@article{222, author = "Cheserek J. J. and Omondi C. O. and Ithiru J. M.", abstract = "Drought is an environmental factor that produces water deficit or water stress in plants. Internal water deficit is initiated when low water potential develops and cell turgor begins to fall below its maximum value. The aim of this study was to identify genotypes from the seedling stage that could withstand moisture stress. The seedlings were raised from seed and at 10 months after transplanting they were arranged in a three replicate randomized complete block design (RCBD) under controlled conditions in a green house. Response measurements were made (i) 30 days after moisture stress period, and (ii) at the end of 15 days recovery period. The measurements were made by uprooting three seedlings in the morning then separating the plants into leaves, stems and roots respectively to obtain the Dry Matter, Leaf Mass Ratio, Root Mass Ratio and Shoot Mass Ratio. Other parameters measured included Plant height and girth. The data was be subjected to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) using COSTAT statistical software and effects declared significant at 5% significance level. Least Significance Difference was used to separate means. Significant changes on Dry Matter partitioning, Leaf Mass Ratio, Plant height and girth was recorded during both water stress and during recovery period. Batian 1, Batian 2, Batian 3, DR 2, Rume Sudan, Code 135 and Code 2 performed better under moisture stress varieties and should be evaluated further in the field for drought tolerance to be able to select the best performing genotype.", journal = "IJRAS", keywords = "Coffea arabica, Drought, Dry Matter, Genotypes", month = "May", note = "This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Creative Commons License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/", number = "3", pages = "108-111", title = "{S}creening for {D}rought {T}olerance among {C}offea arabica {C}ultivars in {K}enya", volume = "2", year = "2015", }