@article{297, author = "Muluken Demelie and Abiyot Aragaw", abstract = "Genetic analysis reveals the genetic nature of the inheritance of tuber yield and yield components which is required to design efficient sweet potato improvement breeding strategy. Therefore, this study initiated with the objectives to determine genetic variability and estimate association of agro-morphological trait in sweet potato genotypes. Filed experiment was conducted at Were Agricultural Research Center using three varieties and eight accessions in Randomize Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Data were collected from twelve agro-morphological traits. Analysis of variance revealed significant (p=0.05) among sweet potato genotypes for all traits except stand count at sprout which showed non significant among sweet potato genotypes. Genotypes’total tuber yield ranged from 123.67 to 370.04 with mean of 231.04 qt/ha while root weight 100 to 263 with mean of 168.04 g. newly released variety Ma’e gave highest yield. Genotypic coefficients of variation lower in magnitude than phenotypic coefficient of variation all agro-morphological traits. Genotypic coefficient of variation ranged from 0.77 (stand count at sprout) to 33.93 (unmarketable tuber yield) while phenotypic coefficient variation ranged between 3.47 (stand count at sprout) to 39.36 (unmarketable tuber yield). Heritability in broad sense ranged between 4.99% (stand count at sprout) to 86.45% (vine internode length). Genetic advance as percent mean ranged from 7.42% (stand count at harvest) to 60.27 (unmarketable tuber yield). Genotypic correlations werehigher in magnitude than corresponding phenotypic correlation for most of the traits. Genotypic correlation ranged from -0.56 (unmarketable and vine inter node length) to 0.98 (marketable and total tuber yield) while phenotypic correlation ranged from -0.56 (unmarketable and vine inter node length) to 0.97 (marketable and total tuber yield). This result suggested the importance of further collection to exploit the genetic variability for variety development with desired traits in the country.", journal = "IJRAS", keywords = "Phenotypic and Genotypic Coefficient of Variation, Heritability, Genetic Advance", month = "September", note = "This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Creative Commons License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/", number = "5", pages = "253-258", title = "{G}enetic {V}ariability of {S}weet {P}otato on {Y}ield and {Y}ield {R}elated {T}raits at {W}erer {A}gricultural {R}esearch {C}enter, {E}thiopia", volume = "2", year = "2015", }