An Investigation Factors Influencing Attitudes of Faculty Members in Agricultural Colleges Toward Knowledge Sharing
Hits: 6859
- Select Volume / Issue:
- Year:
- 2016
- Type of Publication:
- Article
- Keywords:
- Knowledge Sharing, Attitude, Organizational Culture, Organizational Structure, Social Trust, Relational Social Capital
- Authors:
- alizadeh, Neda; Rad, Reza Pezeshki; Alipour, Hassan
- Journal:
- Volume:
- 3
- Number:
- 3
- Pages:
- 135-140
- Month:
- May
- 2348-3997
- Note:
- This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Creative Commons License:
- Abstract:
- The purpose of this study was to investigation factors influencing attitudes of faculty members in agricultural colleges toward knowledge sharing. A descriptive-correlation method was used for this study. Target population of this study was 204 of full-time university faculty members (N=204) in two agricultural colleges of Tehran and Tarbiat Modares universities, and 135 faculty members (n=135) were selected using stratified randomized sampling method. Data was collected using a questionnaire as a tool of the study. The reliability of the questionnaire was obtained through a pilot test among faculty members out of the research population (Cronbach’s alpha=0.90, for the main scale). Results of this study showed that there were statistically significant relationships between organizational culture, organizational structure, ICT infrastructure, social trust, and relational social capital with the dependent variable (attitude toward knowledge sharing). The results of the multiple regressions also indicated that ICT was the only influential factor on attitudes toward knowledge sharing that could explain about 47 percent of the variations of the respondents’ attitudes toward knowledge sharing.
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