@article{856, author = "Wondimeneh Taye and Eshetu Yilma", abstract = "Fusariumoxysporum is a well-known soil-borne fungi and it is difficult to control their pathogenic strains by conventional strategies. Trichoderma is a biological microorganism used for controlling the soil borne plant pathogens and are environmentally acceptable alternative to the existing chemical treatment methods. The cultures of two Trichoderma species (Trichodermaharzianum and Trichodermavirde) were examined under different temperature in laboratory conditions. The experiment was conducted on complete randomized design with 3 replications with two methods. Two bio-control agent (Trichodermavirde and Trichodermaharzanium) and one target pathogen (Fussariumoxysporum) were used for the experiment. The result revealed that percent inhibition of mycelia growth (PIMG) recorded high in method one Fussarium + T. harzanium at 300C (63.57%) followed by T. virde at 300C (46.52%), but in that method the lowest colony diameter recorded at 20 and 25 0C was 4.08 cm and 3.75 cm respectively. The present study proved that Trichodermaspp has good antagonistic ability on the mycelia growth of Fussariumoxysporum.", issn = "23483997", journal = "IJRAS", keywords = "Bio-control, Fussariumoxysporum, Trichodermavirde, Trichodermaharzanium", month = "May", number = "3", pages = "150-155", title = "{E}ffect of {T}emperature on the {A}ntagonistic {P}erformance of {T}richodermaspp {A}gainst {F}usariumoxysporum", volume = "7", year = "2020", }