@article{841, author = "Tagesse Abera and Alemayehu Adinew", abstract = "Maize is one of the major and an important cereal crop in Ethiopia. However, the yield of the crop is low mainly due to low soil fertility problems. Therefore, a field experiment was conducted to assess the effect of blended NPS fertilizer supplemented with inorganic N on maize yield components and yield and to determine the economically optimum levels of NPS and N required to obtaining higher yield of maize. Factorial combinations of four levels of NPS (0, 100, 150 and 200 kg ha-1) each supplemented with five levels of N (0, 23, 46, 69 and 92 kg N ha-1) were laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The results of the soil tests revealed that most of the chemical properties of the experimental site were indicative of low fertility status. Almost all parameters were significantly affected by the main effect of NPS and SN, except number of kernel rows per cop. The maximum (80.00 and 80.67) days to silking were obtained due to 200 kg blended NPS ha-1and 92 kg SN ha-1, respectively. Similarly, the interaction of NPS with N rate had significant effect on all parameters, except days to silking and number of kernel rows per cop. The highest grain yield (8680 kg ha-1) and highest harvest index (43.96%) were obtained from application of 200 kg NPS ha-1 with 92 kg of SN ha-1as well as the highest number of kernels per cob (614.0) and the highest 1000-kernels weight (441.7g) were obtained at the combinations of 200 kg NPS ha-1 and 92 kg SN ha-1. The results of the economic analysis showed that the maximum net return (1107.56%) was obtained due to the application of 200 kg NPS ha-1with 92 kg N ha-1. In conclusion, the results of the study showed that application of 200 kg blended NPS ha- 1 with 92 kg N ha-1 enhanced yield of maize with acceptable economic benefit. However, the experiment was carried out only in one location for one cropping season, so further studies at different locations for several seasons is needed to recommend agronomical optimum and economically feasible levels of NPS and N fertilization for the study area before giving a conclusive recommendation.", issn = "23483997", journal = "IJRAS", keywords = "Blended NPS Fertilizer, Inorganic N Fertilizer, Grain Yield, Maize", month = "May", number = "3", pages = "156-168", title = "{E}ffect of {B}lended {NPS} {F}ertilizer {S}upplemented with {N}itrogen on {Y}ield {C}omponents and {Y}ield of {M}aize ({Z}ea mays {L}.) in {K}achabirra {D}istrict, {K}embata {T}ambaro {Z}one, {S}outhern {E}thiopia", volume = "7", year = "2020", }