@article{878, author = "Takate B.D. and Godse N.H. and Gaykar B.M.", abstract = "After sugarcane harvesting, burning of sugarcane trash in Maharashtra, India is a regular and well known practice among farmers. Due to burning of the trash, the soil microflora kills, the environment gets polluted. As reports said that the % organic carbon in soil goes on decreasing day by day, the soil fertility also decreased. Instead of burning if the trash is buried at the same location for decomposition with certain treatments, the levels of N P K will increase. Decomposition of sugarcane trash to convert it into good compost is cheap source of organic carbon for crop in soil. The present investigation was focused on natural decomposition of trash in the harvested area of sugarcane field. Trash was treated with Urea and single superphosphate followed by irrigation to enhance the decomposition process. After three days the trash was treated with fungal culture of Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus awamori, Penicillium crysogenum, {\&} Trichoderma viridae along with organic compost. Within ninety days it was observed that, very good compost with 0.42% nitrogen, 0.11% phosphate, 0.32% potash, 0.36% organic carbon was developed as compared to control.", issn = "23483997", journal = "IJRAS", keywords = "Compost, Trash, Fungal Culture, Recycling Technology", month = "July", number = "4", pages = "189-192", title = "{E}ffect of {F}ungal {C}ulture with {I}norganic {N}itrogen and {P}hosphate {F}ertilizers on {D}ecomposition of {S}ugarcane {T}rash-{A} {R}ecycling {T}echnology", volume = "7", year = "2020", }