@article{914, author = "Dadi Tolessa Lemma", abstract = "Organic fertilizer like farmyard manure is important to improve the yield and quality of roselle as well as soil structure. To test the effect of farmyard manure on growth and yield of roselle field experiment was conducted at Hawassa research station. The experiment was laid in RCBD design with four replications in which all the four levels of farmyard manure was equally distributed. The results showed that application of farmyard manure significantly influenced days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, plant height, stem diameter, leaf area index, number of pods per plant, fresh and dry calyx yield per hectare, seed yield per hectare and above ground dry biomass. The highest fresh calyx yield (5.36 t ha-1) and dry calyx yield (0.68 t ha-1) were recorded for 15 t farmyard manure ha-1. The lowest fresh calyx yield (4.31 t ha-1) and dry calyx yield (0.53 t ha-1) were obtained from the control (0kg farmyard manure per hectare). In conclusion, the results of this study indicated that applying 15 t farmyard manure per hectare brought about maximum calyx yield and thus, can be recommended for the production of roselle in the study area. Multi location and multiyear trial should be conducted to come up with comprehensive recommendation.", issn = "23483997", journal = "IJRAS", keywords = "Calyx, Farmyard Manure, Growth, Roselle, Yield and Yield Components", month = "September", number = "5", pages = "243-250", title = "{D}etermination of {O}ptimum {F}armyard {M}anure {R}ates for {G}rowth, {Y}ield and {Y}ield {C}omponents of {R}oselle ({H}ibiscus sabdariffa {L}.)", volume = "7", year = "2020", }