@article{917, author = "Adriana Augusta Neto and Evandro Alves Ribeiro and Juliana Marques Ferrari and Olavo da Costa Leite and Bruno Henrique di Napoli Nunes and Stella de Castro Santos Machado", abstract = "Vegetables cultivated in areas infested with Cyperus sp. suffer competition for water and nutrients, which requires an efficient intervention to do not reduce production. As the control of this weed represents a great challenge due to its multiple forms of propagation, the mapping of the level of infestation in the environment to be cultivated is a resource that facilitates decision making. Through the mapping of infestation zones, is possible to make recommendation maps for herbicide application and consequent reduce the production costs. The objective of this work was to analyze the spatial distribution of Cyperus sp. in onion and sweet potatoes seedbeds, with a grid of points every 2 and 3 meters, respectively. The removal of the plants from each quadrant was performed, including tubers and stolons. After that the material collected was washed and then dried in a kiln at 65 °c for 72 hours. The area was mapped taking the number of plants and dry mass of the aerial and root parts of Cyperus sp. at each quadrant on the seedbeds.", issn = "23483997", journal = "IJRAS", keywords = "Geostatistics, Kriging, Weeds, Special Distribution, Infestation", month = "November", number = "6", pages = "263-268", title = "{S}patial {V}ariability of {C}yperus rotundus in {P}roduction {S}eedbeds of {O}nion and {S}weet {P}otato", volume = "7", year = "2020", }