@article{926, author = "Nuru Seid Tehulie and Taminaw Zewdie", abstract = "Inadequate use of NPS fertilizer and deficiency of proof on the utilization of Rhizobium inoculants are the significant yield limiting reasons for common bean creation in the investigation zone. Accordingly, the exploration was led at Gewane District, to assess the impact of NPS fertilizer rates and Rhizobium inoculation on nodulation, yield constantly parts of some common bean components. Variables contemplated were three regular bean components (Tabor, Melkie and Beshbesh), three degrees of NPS compost rate (0, 100, 200 kg ha-1) and two degrees of Rhizobium inoculation (with and without). Randomized Complete Block Deign in factorial course of action with three replications was utilized. Information was exposed to examine by General Linear Model (GLM) technique of SAS adaptation 9.0. Result demonstrated the consolidated utilization of Rhizobium inoculation with NPS rates and components had huge impact on number of all out nodulation per plant and seeds per case. Where, the most noteworthy number of absolute nodulation per plant (78.53) and seeds per unit (6.5) were recorded from Rhizobium inoculation with NPS rate 100 kg ha-1 and for assortment Beshbesh. In light of the results of this examination, it tends to be concluded that Rhizobium inoculation with utilization of NPS pace of 100 kg ha-1 discovered to be appropriate for common bean assortment Beshbesh notwithstanding additional components, where assortment Beshbesh was more noteworthy creation in the investigation region. ", issn = "23483997", journal = "IJRAS", keywords = "Biological Nitrogen Fixation, Economic Analysis, Grain Yield", month = "November", number = "6", pages = "287-296", title = "{R}esponse of {S}ome {C}ommon {B}ean {V}arieties to {D}ifferent {R}ates of {N}itrogen, {P}hosphorus, {S}ulfur {F}ertilizers and {R}hizobium {I}noculation on {N}odulation, {Y}ield, {Y}ield {A}ttributing {T}raits", volume = "7", year = "2020", }