Abreham, K., Guja, U., Gebremichae, A., Tadesse, B. & Mekuriya, T. (2022). Effect of Erythrina (Erythrina bruci) Biomass Transfer with or Without NP Fertilizer on Wheat Production at Chena District, Kaffa Zone, South-Western Ethiopia. IJRAS, 9(3), 74-80.[More]
Kiprotich, W. B., Ndambiri, H., Mose, J. & Serem, A. (2022). Preference Certainty and Consistency in Discrete Choice Experiments: A Case Analysis of Sweet Potato Farming in Western Kenya. IJRAS, 9(3), 81-96.[More]
Hussein, A. M. (2022). The Agro-Ecological Evaluation to Some Sulfonylurea’s Herbicides. IJRAS, 9(3), 97-102.[More]
Pagliarini, M. K., Pontim, B. C., da Silva Ribeiro, F., Gordin, C. R., de Almeida Monaco-Mello, K., dos Santos Zomerfeld, P. et al. (2022). Methodology for Buckwheat Germination Test. IJRAS, 9(2), 49-58.[More]
Asrate, M. A., Sehalu, G. M., Robi, D. T. & Negera, A. B. (2022). Pre-Extension and Demonstration of Selected Forage Technologies for Small Holder Farmers in South West Ethiopia. IJRAS, 9(2), 59-65.[More]
Ayana, B. (2022). Evaluation of Broad Spectrum Herbicides for Control of Annual Broad Leaf Weeds in Wheat. IJRAS, 9(2), 66-73.[More]
Mitku, G. (2022). Farmers’ Management Practices and Perception on Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera Frugiperda Smith) in Fogera Districts, South Gondar, Ethiopia. IJRAS, 9(1), 1-9.[More]
Ba, A., Koita, B. & Coly, A. (2022). Socio-Economic Characterization of the Parkia biglobosa’s Exploitation and Local Management in the Rural Communes of Sare Bidji and Medina Elhadji, Kolda (Senegal). IJRAS, 9(1), 10-23.[More]
Nguyen, V.-H., Nguyen, M.-T., Nguyen, T.-T. & Tran, D.-H. (2022). Rooting Media and Growth Regulators Affect Propagation from Stem Cuttings of carica papaya L.C.v ‘Tainung No. 2’ and ‘Red Lady’. IJRAS, 9(1), 24-35.[More]
Mekonen, B. M., Moges, M. F. & Gelagl, D. B. (2022). Innovative Irrigation Water-Saving Strategies to Improve Water and Yield Productivity of Onions. IJRAS, 9(1), 36-48.[More]
Year: 2021
Anton, J., Ahizo, J. & Sitang, K. (2021). Evaluation of Four Potato Varieties for Stem Height, Late Blight, Yield and Taste Qualities at Kabwum District in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea. IJRAS, 8(6), 231-238.[More]
Codjoe, F. N., Boateng, D. O., kwabla Nutakor, E., Odoom, D. A. & Adane, S. (2021). Consuming What You Produce: Perception and Consumption Habits of Cocoa-based Products by Cocoa Farmers in the Eastern Region of Ghana. IJRAS, 8(6), 239-254.[More]
Pagliarini, M. K., Pontim, B. C., Gordin, C. R., de Almeida Monaco-Mello, K., dos Santos Zomerfeld, P., Nogueira, J. C. et al. (2021). Seeds Germination of Poaceae Family Species in Saline Water. IJRAS, 8(5), 201-212.[More]
Ramteke, D. R., Mishra, D. O., Singh, D. N., Pathak, D. R., Parmar, D. M. & Barwa, D. D. (2021). Revisiting Livestock Feeding and Fodder: Silvipastoral Farm. IJRAS, 8(5), 213-222.[More]
Kabeto, B., Tesfa, H. & Umer, D. (2021). Participatory Demonstration and Evaluation of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Varieties at Kellam and West Wollega Zones. IJRAS, 8(5), 223-230.[More]
Tefera, A. A. (2021). Review Article: Climate Change Impact on Farming Components. IJRAS, 8(4), 191-200.[More]
Hando, D. A., Gemeyda, K. K. & Sagara, K. K. (2021). Participatory Demonstration and On-farm Evaluation of Improved Bread Wheat Technologies in Highland Area of South Omo Zone, Ethiopia. IJRAS, 8(3), 119-126.[More]
Vala, D. K., Kumpavat, M. T. & Datta, D. S. (2021). Long Distance Supply of Tomato: A Case Study of Anand (Gujarat). IJRAS, 8(3), 127-131.[More]
Mitku, G., Birhan, M. & Yalew, D. (2021). Incidence and Distribution of Rice Insect Pests and their Natural Enemies in Rice Growing Area of South Gondar, Ethiopia. IJRAS, 8(3), 132-139.[More]
Peci, D., Mullaj, A. & Proko, A. (2021). Phytoecological Study on Asteraceae Family of Trebeshina Mt. in Southern Albania. IJRAS, 8(3), 140-149.[More]
Damtite, Y., Haile, T. & Sendekie, Y. (2021). Demonstration and Promotion of Recently Released Improved Mid Altitude Sub humid Agro Ecology Maize (Zea mays L.) Varieties in Benishangul Gumuz Region at Pawe District, Western Ethiopia. IJRAS, 8(3), 150-160.[More]
Fentie, D. B., Abera, B. B. & Ali, H. M. (2021). Association of Agronomic Traits with Grain Yield of Lowland Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Genotypes. IJRAS, 8(3), 161-175.[More]
Hassanen, S. A. (2021). In vitro Preservation by Encapsulation of Shoot Tips of Aerva lanata (L.) Juss. ex Schult. as a Rare Medicinal Plant. IJRAS, 8(3), 176-184.[More]
Peci, D., Mullaj, A. & Proko, A. (2021). Flora of Trebeshina Mt. in Southern Albania. IJRAS, 8(3), 185-190.[More]
Dieudonne, K. K., Adama, S. P., Edouard, K. K., Naminata, C. T. & Nadege, K.-K. (2021). Changes in Vegetation Structure and Carbon Stock in Cashew (Anacardium Occidentale L., Anacardiaceae) Based Agro-Ecosystem after Clear Forest in the North of Cote d’Ivoire.. IJRAS, 8(2), 70-78.[More]
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