Comparative Profitability Analysis of Broiler Production Systems in Ekiti State, Nigeria

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Profitability, Broiler, Production Systems, Budgetary Analysis
John, Didunyemi Adekunle; Owoeye, R. S.
The study analyzed profitability of broiler production systems in Ekiti State, Nigeria. A multi- stage sampling technique was employed to select the respondents. Data were collected from 90 broiler farmers through well-structured questionnaires. Descriptive statistics such as frequency counts, mean and percentages were employed to describe the socio-economic characteristics of the respondents, ascertain the different production systems engaged in by broiler farmers and ascertain the constraints to broiler production in the study area. Logit model was used to determine the factors influencing the choice of various production systems in the study area. Budgetary analysis was employed for comparing the profitability of various systems of broiler farmers. From the results of socio-economic characteristics of respondents, it was revealed that the mean was 44.34 years old and 68.9% of the broiler farmers were married while 65.5% had tertiary education. It was revealed from the result that the mean value of the family size was 5 persons. Also, 48.9% of the respondents reported 5 years and below as their years of farming experience. The result from different production systems engaged in by broiler farmers revealed that 65.6% of the respondents engaged in deep litter production system, while 24.4% of the respondents participated in battery cage system and 10% of the broiler farmers also involved in both systems. The determining factors influencing the choice of various production systems in the study area revealed that age, primary occupation, stock size, household size and capital were statistically significant, implying that they were the important variables found to greatly influence the choice of various broiler production systems in Ekiti State. Result from budgetary analysis revealed total revenue of ₦1,100,450 gross margin analysis (GM) of ₦375,450 and a net farm income (NFI) of ₦157,450 for battery cage system while the deep litter system had a total revenue of ₦1,200,850 gross margin (GM) of ₦369,350 and net farm income (NFI) of ₦287,350. The profitability ratios showed the rate of returns on Investment (RRI) of 16.7%, returns on labour (RL) of ₦95.7, returns on feed (RF) of ₦4.3 and returns per Naira invested (RNI) of ₦0.39 kobo for battery cage system as against RRI of 35%, RL of ₦88.9, RF of ₦4.1 and RNI of ₦0.35 kobo for deep litter system. This shows that both systems were profitable and viable but battery cage system was more profitable. The result on the constraints to broiler production in the study area as shown by descriptive statistics also gathered that 74.4% of the respondents indicated high cost of feed, 72.2% of the respondents faced the challenge of insufficient funds, 65.6% of the farmers in the study area encountered pest and diseases outbreak,47.8% faced veterinary problem. It was further revealed that 43.3%, 40.0%, 24.4% and 13.3% of the respondents in the study area encountered the issues of market channel problem, high mortality rate, inadequate feed supply and pilfering respectively. It was therefore recommend--ded broiler farmers should undergo necessary trainings focusing on how to compound feeds in order to reduce cost incurred on feed.

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