Evaluating Integrated Application of Lime and Organic Materials on Yield and Yield Components of Wheat S Under Acid Soils of Aneded District, Northwest Ethiopia
Hits: 1447
- Select Volume / Issue:
- Year:
- 2024
- Type of Publication:
- Article
- Keywords:
- Farmyard Manure, Crop Yield, Liming, Soil Acidity
- Authors:
- Getinet, Habetamu; Abera, Kasaye; Lulie, Belsti
- Journal:
- Volume:
- 11
- Number:
- 2
- Pages:
- 15-21
- Month:
- March
- 2348-3997
- Abstract:
- Soil acidity and nutrient deficiencies are the major constraints causing low crop yield and food insecurity problem in highly weathered and leached tropical soils of Ethiopia. A field experiment was conducted at Aneded district, Northwestern Ethiopia during 2022-2023 main cropping seasons to evaluate the effects of combined use of FYM and lime on wheat yield. The experiment consisted of four rates of lime [25%, 50%, 75% and full dose of lime based on exchangeable acidity in combination with 50% of FYM and 50% of inorganic N fertilizer), 50% of FYM+50% of inorganic N, full dose of lime based on exchangeable acidity + recommended NP and sole recommended NP fertilizer] arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Before implementing the experiment, composite soil sample from (0-20cm) was collected. Wheat growth parameters (plant height and spike length) and grain yield, biomass yield and HI were measured following standard procedures. Compared to sole application of mineral fertilizer (control), application of 50% of FYM + 50% of lime + 50% of inorganic N fertilizer increased wheat grain yield, biomass yield and HI by 48.14%, 41.71% and 8.63%, respectively. Besides, the combined application of FYM and lime provided the highest plant height (93.91cm) and spike length (8.40cm), which was noticeably greater than the control (81.02cm and 6.90cm). Therefore, application of lime and organic nutrient in combination is an effective option to curb soil acidity while enhancing soil nutrients availability and crop yields at lower input costs. However, to determine the application frequency, long-term effects of compost and lime in combination on acidic soil properties and crop yield need to be investigated through further research.
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